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Call for papers: New trends in Smart Construction Education and Research.
Fin participación: 31 de diciembre de 2021

University education related to architecture, engineering and construction is changing rapidly, especially in these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodologies are changing: competency-based education is being imposed, online teaching, and affecting active participation of students in the learning process, among others. In fact, the education provided today at universities should be the basis for future graduates to be able to practice their profession in the coming decades. It cannot, therefore, be taught the same as it has been taught for the last 50 years.

In this educational context, the concept of “smart construction” takes on special importance. It is a concept that is associated with digital design, information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, BIM, Lean Construction, prefabrication, drones, robotization, the Internet of Things and automation, innovation and sustainability, among many other concepts. Among these concepts, one that particularly interests me is the association with new construction methods (a term that includes new products and new construction procedures). They aim to improve business efficiency, quality, customer satisfaction, environmental performance, sustainability and predictability of delivery times. Therefore, modern construction methods are more than just a particular focus on the product. They engage people to seek improvements, through better processes, in construction delivery and execution. For all this technological revolution to be possible, it is essential to change the current educational methods in universities, especially in those engineering studies related to the field of construction. The challenge is twofold: on the one hand, to teach those trends in smart construction that will become a reality in the coming years and, on the other hand, to change the way of teaching at the university, adapting to these new technologies.

This Special Issue aims at promoting original and high-quality papers on new trends in Architecture, Engineering and Education from a multidisciplinary perspective. In particular, the Special Issue seeks to collect best educational practices, innovations in the learning process, problem- and project-based education, collaborative learning, etc. It is about collecting the trends towards which university education related to the world of construction is heading.

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